Example of multiple questions

Yaml input

- Type: MC
  Text: 'Among the following claims, which one is \textbf{not} true?'
  Size: Auto
  Points: 2
  - Choice: Bosons have an integer spin value and Fermions have an half integer spin value.
  - Choice: Bosons and Fermions are treated as indistiguishable particles.
  - Choice: Multiple Fermions can occupy the same quantum state.
    Validity: correct
  - Choice: Multiple Bosons can occupy the same quantum state.
  - Choice: 'All the other claims are correct.  '
  Note: lecture 29
- Type: MC
  Text: >-
     Consider the exchange operator $\hat{P}_{12}$ whose effect is to swap two
     particles. What is true among the assertions below?
  Size: Auto
  Points: 2
  - Choice: The eigenvalues of the operator are complex.
  - Choice: The eigenvalues of the operator are positive.
  - Choice: >-
      The eigenvalues of the operator can only take two values for any
      wavefunction describing a pair of Bosons or a pair of Fermions.
    Validity: correct
  - Choice: 'The operator is unitary but not Hermitian.'
  - Choice: 'None of the other claims are correct.  '
  Note: lecture 29
- Type: MC
  Text: 'At low energy, Fermions and Bosons follow the same statistical distribution.'
  Size: Auto
  Points: 2
  - Choice: This is always true.
  - Choice: This is sometimes true.
  - Choice: This is never true.
    Validity: correct
  Note: lecture 29
- Type: MC
  Text: What can you say about the chemical potential ($\mu$)?
  Size: Auto
  Points: 2
  - Choice: It is small when the density of matter ($n$) is small.
    Validity: correct
  - Choice: It is small when the density of matter ($n$) is large.
  - Choice: 'It does not depend on the density of matter ($n$).  '
  Note: lecture 29
- Type: MC
  Text: >-
   At high energy (large $E-\mu$ values), we can use the Botzmann,
   Fermi-Dirac, or Bose-Einstein disributrions to study any gas of
   particles (e.g., photons, electrons,\ldots)
  Size: Auto
  Points: 2
  - Choice: 'This is true because this corresponds to the low density limit. '
    Validity: correct
  - Choice: >-
      This is false because the three distributions do not converge to  one
      another at high energy.
  - Choice: >-
      This is a very good question. I wil make sure to read page 598 of  the
      slides posted on SLACK to understand the answer.
  Note: lecture 29
- Type: MC
  Text: >-
   Consider a bosonic particle extracted from a large distribution of the  same
   particles. A specific measurement shows that its energy is 1~eV  below the
   chemical potential of the distribution.  What can you conclude?
  Size: Auto
  Points: 2
  - Choice: 'The particle is very stable. '
    Validity: incorrect
  - Choice: 'The entropy of the particle is very small. '
    Validity: incorrect
  - Choice: >-
     Researchers who performed the measurements should sign up for  PHYS-2350
     at RPI: their measurement is clearly wrong.
    Validity: correct
  Note: lecture 29

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