

This features remains in development but can be useful to identify basic typos.


When you use the spellcheck: yes in the config.yaml file, yam2lms will perform a spellcheck of the questions. Currently, the script uses the python library provided in the spellchecker module.

The script will check all words in the document and provide a corrected version called XXX_SPELLCHECKED.pdf file. Using the example provided in YAML Format (input), we get the result shown below.


  1. The process is slow. Once you have run this and corrected your mistake(s), turn this option off to avoid lenghty processing.

  2. yaml2lms does not make any correction; instead it makes suggestions as shown in the example below. In this example, most of the mistakes found are actually not mistakes and it is expected each user will look into this separately. Only one word was correctly flagged as incorrect.

  3. Clearly this utility needs work but it at least avoids making too many obvious mistkaes (oops).


Alternative text