Basic usage and configuration file

The process is simply to run the python script (see Download) in a directory where the config.yaml file described below is located. A question file must also be findable (see yamlfile: keyword below).

Configuration file

All the necessary configuration information is provided in the config.yaml input file. The file reads as:

yamlfile: quiz20.yaml
spellcheck: no
createLMS: yes
createLMS_text: no
base: ""
dir: "THERMO"
title1: 'PHYS {4420}: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (Quiz 20)'
title2: "Dr. Vincent Meunier, Fall 2020"
solutionKey: no

The various keywords (ending with a :) are mostly self-explanatory.

  1. yamlfile provides the actual file with the list of questions (see here: YAML Format (input))

  2. spellcheck is a yes/no input (more information can be found here: Spellchecking)

  3. createLMS and createLMS_text are yes/no answers (see here: LMS Output)

  4. base is only used if the createLMS: yes is used. It is also described in LMS Output.

  5. dir is only used if the createLMS: yes is used. It is also described in LMS Output.

  6. title1 and title2 are used to assemble the PDF files (both the raw exam and the version with answer keys when requested)

  7. solutionKey is a yes/no input. This provides the answer Key in a PDF file with highlighted answers (see here Portable Data File creation)


This configuration file was used to create the examples shown in Example of multiple questions.