Portable Data File creation

By default, yaml2lms always creates a PDF file, using latex processing and the exam class. The output file name (<prefix>.pdf) is built based on the yaml file name provided using yamlfile: <prefix>.yaml in config.yaml.

The document will have a two-line title, provided by the tags title1 and title2 in the config.yaml file.

An example of PDF file output is shown in Example of multiple questions.

Two additional PDF files can be created if requested in the config.yaml files as described below.


During PDF file creation, a <prefix>.tex is also created. If the PDF file fails to compile (because of an issue with your latex input), you can directly refer to the latex source. You can also fine-tune that file as necessary.

Answer Key PDF file

If solutionKey: yes is specified, in addition to the questionnaire itself, a file, named <prefix>_solutions.pdf is created where the correct asnwers are highlighted. (See Example of multiple questions for an example).

Spellchecked PDF file

If spellcheck: yes is specified, yaml2lms performs a rudimentary spell checking of the input. This feature is described in details at Spellchecking.


It is recommended to carefully check the PDF files before starting the process of creating LMS files. The createLMS: yes option can take a few minutes or so to process, depending on the number of questions. And it is best to perform this once you have checked the spelling and the correctness of the answer keys. Note, also, that the spellchecking is time consuming and once you are done spellchecking, it is best to turn that option off.